Desultory Friday…

Woke up, checked my email, found a message from Imaginarium, the college lit mag that accepted “Shadow Pool” for publication in its second issue. It had been a while since I received the acceptance letter, and once again I had been wondering if the magazine still existed. This email contained the various changes suggested by the editors, so I made some coffee, drank it, then went through the document – accepted some changes, rejected some changes, and made a few changes of my own based on the feedback.

After a little difficulty getting my email to send anything, “Shadow Pool” is now winging its way to California, and hopefully soon I shall be able to add the link to my “Short Stories” page.

In the meantime, I keep teaching, keep writing, keep reading. Stay tuned – we will shortly have a new interview up. Why not pass the time reading through some old Conversations?

Peace and word pictures!

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