As I make my way through the SNHU MFA program, some of the assignments dovetail neatly with what I am already doing, both literary content-wise, as well as working on our author platforms. This week’s assignment was to conduct an interview with one of the authors in our class, and so I present for your viewing pleasure, A Conversation with Holly Ellis. We talk about writing, the decision to embark on an MFA program, and what a writing coach can bring to the table. Enjoy!
About Holly Ellis

Holly Ellis is a novelist, blogger, and writing coach who builds the women’s fiction and LGBTQ catalog by crafting strong female protagonists who have the courage to take charge and pursue their dreams. In addition to women’s fiction and LGTBQ subjects, Holly crafts a mystery series based on current world issues and local news events from her hometown. In every novel, Holly draws from her personal interaction, local and world news, and general topics of curiosity to build characters, stories, and craft worlds. Outside of her writing career, Holly uses her industry knowledge to educate and uplift other writers. You can check out her website, including an excellent article on SEO for Writers, at: