Category Archives: Welcome
Writing and Fighting–Writing Fighting?
One of the fight writing aspects I hit on is rhythm. Fights, especially those between two people squaring off, have a tempo, a dynamic, that varies from moment to moment. As writers, we must capture this rhythm in our work. One of the best ways to do this is to also vary your rhythm, or sentence length. Use short, scrappy words to pick up the pace. Use longer, meandering words to circle around and around looking for an opening. Punctuation–BAM! Got it. Continue reading
Another Conversation with Clay Gilbert…
Good morning! (Or afternoon, wherever you are, I hope it’s good.) Almost exactly a year ago, I hosted author Clay Gilbert here to talk about his release, Cassie’s Song, a sequel to his novel, Dark Road to Paradise. I enjoyed … Continue reading
The ghosts of old soldiers…
At various times during my military career, I’ve been in one training or another where we had either a staff ride or a museum visit, or just the opportunity as an individual to explore local military history on our own. … Continue reading
What am I even doing with my life…
I have no idea. And I’m not sure I’m going to figure out anytime soon. So I am simply going to try to work it out here on the blog, while still hosting guest bloggers and writers. Basically, I just … Continue reading
A Conversation With Jon Ray…
A warm welcome to fantasy and science fiction author, Jon Ray. I’ve invited him here to talk about his writing journey, goblins and panning for gold in the Australian Outback. Sounds pretty cool, right? Let’s get started! Q (Infamous Scribbler): … Continue reading
A Conversation with M.N. Jolley…
Welcome to M.N. Jolley, a very patient author (I got a little behind with some of my blog scheduling …) I invited him here to talk a bit about writing fantasy, writing advice, and his penchant for the name David. … Continue reading
How is it MARCH already?
I’m still not sure March is actually here. Maybe this is still January? Mid-February? Anything but late March … Anyway, the writing proceeds apace. I’ve submitted about five short stories this year. Two of them were in the 3-5K word … Continue reading
Post-Con Rundown
The three months since November started seem to have gone by so fast I don’t actually remember large swathes of them–and it’s not because I enjoy a glass or two of a festive beverage during the holidays. Working at the … Continue reading
Tanks, Monsters, Mercs … oh, my!
Started off this year wanting to get back to writing short stories and sending them out to the world, and then shortly after writing down my goals, I decided to take one of those stories and share it myself. Bea … Continue reading
Wandering Around the San Juan Bautista Mission
The other day I found myself having completed all the work for the first two classes in my MFA, which had somehow resulted in a massive case of writer’s block. Instead of sitting and staring at the blinking cursor, I … Continue reading