Category Archives: Conversations
A Conversation with M.N. Jolley…
Welcome to M.N. Jolley, a very patient author (I got a little behind with some of my blog scheduling …) I invited him here to talk a bit about writing fantasy, writing advice, and his penchant for the name David. … Continue reading
Wandering Around the San Juan Bautista Mission
The other day I found myself having completed all the work for the first two classes in my MFA, which had somehow resulted in a massive case of writer’s block. Instead of sitting and staring at the blinking cursor, I … Continue reading
A Conversation with Bambi Harris, Author
Welcome to Bambi Harris, a prolific author who gave me some of the most unusual answers I’ve gotten since starting to interview authors. I enjoyed corresponding with someone who has a fun sense of humor, and apparently loves coffee and … Continue reading
A Conversation with Mistress Leofwen, SCA Bard
I met Mistress Leofwen Cryccthegn, mundanely known as Jennifer Nestojko, when my spouse and I recently moved to the West Kingdom. She is a Laurel, having achieved the highest recognition in the Society for Creative Anachronism for her expertise in … Continue reading
A Conversation with Molly Sotherden, Glass Artist
Molly Sotherden’s artwork is luminescent and captivating; captured digitally, it still shines in the depths. I am in love with her work after being introduced to it through a mutual artist friend, and wanted to give her a chance to … Continue reading
A Conversation with the Team Behind Querent…
Last Arisia, I met up with a fellow author, fiber artist, and all around interesting individual who also is creating a game incubator. They were talking about this project online, and I happened to see a post about the game’s … Continue reading
A Conversation with Josh Macias, Photographer…
I met Josh when my spouse and I first moved to Texas a few years ago. They had gone to high school together, and we finally got the chance to head down to San Antonio, enjoy some of the sights, … Continue reading
A Conversation with Lara Coutinho, Capocomico…
Lara Coutinho is the sort of person who needs no introduction, and yet you can’t help yourself from introducing her because you want people to know ALL THE COOL THINGS about her. We became friends in the local chapter of … Continue reading
A Conversation with Bobby Nash, Author…
I met Bobby Nash through the Sangria Summit Society, after a mutual acquaintance reviewed his SNOW series. In today’s Conversation, Nash talks about the journey of becoming a writer of multiple formats and genres… Q (Infamous Scribbler): Tell me a … Continue reading
A Conversation with Barbara Smith-Davis, Performer
One of my most memorable encounters with Barbara Smith-Davis came when I took voice lessons with her. While I was only able to go to a couple of lessons before life got in the way, I remember saying something along … Continue reading