Tag Archives: poetry

31 Days of Art, Day 12: Tangled

Under the waves, so cold and dark
Drifting along in the brine,
The little fish nudges the cold, blue skin
All wrapped in the soft, green vine. Continue reading

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A Conversation with Mistress Leofwen, SCA Bard

I met Mistress Leofwen Cryccthegn, mundanely known as Jennifer Nestojko, when my spouse and I recently moved to the West Kingdom. She is a Laurel, having achieved the highest recognition in the Society for Creative Anachronism for her expertise in … Continue reading

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A Conversation with Dr. Susana H. Case, Poet

Sometimes, reading poetry will trigger a memory so intense that it takes a moment before you realize that the memory it triggered belongs to someone else. That’s what it felt like to read Susana H. Case’s work. Here, I’ve asked … Continue reading

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