I need your opinion…

Well, I am back from my Army vacation and getting ready to suit up and get on with a number of things, including #WriteFridays exercises and a bunch of other projects. One item that I am moving forward on is … (Drum roll please…)


I’ve been thinking a lot about how I can use some of my skills and talents to contribute to helping bridge the civil-military gap, and I think that what I might be able to offer is a quarterly, online magazine that publishes short fiction in a variety of genres to appeal to a popular audience but that take the theme of veteran and military-interest topics. I intend to primarily solicit material from service members, providing them with a forum in which to share their fiction and non-fiction writing. At the same time, I want to appeal to a broader, popular audience, and solicit works from anyone who has a thoughtful contribution to make to the process of civilians and veterans understanding and appreciating each other.

Currently, I’m working with a designer to set up a Web site and submission process, as well as soliciting sponsorships from persons and organizations to help keep us up and running. I’m also approaching well-known writers and military-affiliated entertainers to serve as a first-round panel of readers.

What I need, however, is a name. I posted on my Facebook page for some suggestions, and received an overabundance of potential titles. So, I’m putting up a poll, and hoping that people will contribute their suggestions (and share with others so they may help as well.) I’d love for both civilians and veterans/service members to weigh in, as my intended audience includes everyone. Thank you in advance!

Click on this Facebook poll to participate!

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