Just keep writing…

It’s been a long few months since I’ve had the opportunity to get some good butt-in-seat, words-on-paper writing time. For one thing, I spent the last two months up at my parents’ home in New Jersey, making an attempt to turn over command of my Army Reserve unit in order to focus more on, yes, my writing career (or lack thereof.)

Things most assuredly did not work out as planned (angry face here), and I am still in command, only now with all of the creative work that I committed to when I thought I was going to have more time. Which leaves me with a serious time management problem.

Also, somehow, I registered for a sprint triathlon at the end of June. Whaaaaaat? Yeah. I do this to myself.

In the meantime, Ladybug is going full speed ahead, which means that anytime I try to get work done at home, I am the immediate recipient of grasping toddler hands over the top of my eminently reachable desk (sometimes she climbs up on the couch for easier access) and then I’m treated to her little diapered butt running away with an open Sharpie or something important like my notes for whatever I’m working on. Super cute … but not conducive to increasing my word count.

Luckily, now that I’m back home, I have access to hourly day care, which in the past week has allowed me to put about 10,000 words into Steel-Toed Blues and shore up the plotting for the last section. Additionally, I’ve managed to work out a schedule that allows me to get a good workout in, whether it’s swimming or using the bike or jog stroller to spend time with Ladybug in the process.

Anyway, my next step is to work out places on that schedule for all of the other things–languages, music, crafting, READING, some laundry, editing and coaching, and travel to Conventions. It can be done. I have a lot of coffee.

In the meantime, I just spent a wild and crazy Friday night finishing up The Man Who Invented Fiction by William Egginton, which was an absolutely wonderful birthday present from my parents. I also started a new hoodie for Ladybug in a size that she will likely fit into sometime next winter, which is also when I estimate that I might actually finish it.

I hope that if you are reading, this blog post finds you well, and that your weekend is lots of fun!

Ladybug helps out in the garden, which is growing mostly thanks to the efforts of my green-thumb roommate. If I were in charge, this would mostly be weeds taller than LJ. :D

Ladybug helps out in the garden, which is growing mostly thanks to the efforts of my green-thumb roommate. If I were in charge, this would mostly be weeds taller than LJ. 😀

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