Launch Day for Soft Target has come and – at least in my time zone – almost gone. I received so many kind words of encouragement, including those words any writer loves to hear, “I just bought a copy!”
If you would like to pick up a copy, my book is available in a variety of formats in the Smashwords Edition, and is also available at Amazon Kindle.
I did note, however, in what was both a humorous and humbling experience, that my Basset hound sitting on the new porch furniture actually had more traffic than my book announcement, at least for the majority of the morning. But who can blame him. He is a good-looking Captain!

Captain Morgan gets comfy on the new porch furniture. He is only slightly impressed by Infamous Scribbler’s book launch.
Author Caitlin Hensley hosted me on her blog, Pen Over Sword. This was my first Soft Target-related interview, and I am grateful to her for hosting me. If you have a moment, please head on over and show her some love!
At the end of the book, if anyone makes it to the acknowledgments, they will see a shout-out to a couple of people. I’d like to re-post that acknowledgment here:
“No author worth her salt could finish a book without acknowledging those who helped her make it to the end. First and foremost, a heartfelt “Thank You” to Mike Lynch, editor extraordinaire, whose keen eye passed over these pages not once, but twice, and pointed out each minute grammatical transgression. To him, I owe all the credit for the cleanliness of these pages. Any mistakes that remain are my own.
Jim Reader, friend and fellow writer, also provided invaluable guidance and critiques of the entire manuscript. I hope to return the favor someday. In addition to his critique, members of the Round Rock Writers Guild in Austin, TX, read the first few chapters and gave me many words of wisdom and priceless encouragement. They are a great bunch of people, and I have long enjoyed being a member of this group.
As with any piece of writing, I owe a great debt to George Lightcap, teacher and friend. I was not a writer until I took his creative writing workshop. I would love to once again sit in his classroom. Thanks as well to my husband, Rob, who supports me in everything I do, even if sometimes he is not quite sure what I’m up to.
Last but not least, a debt of gratitude to the many men and women I have served with. I have nothing to add—their service speaks for itself.”
Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate the love and good vibes everyone has been sending my way today. And now, I’m off to bed, because we have a 0600 5K run tomorrow morning, and morning comes quickly around here. Peace!
All the cool kids are doing it! 😀