On the Shelf – New and Improved!

Okay, so, it’s a new year, and once again, I am working on catching up from last year, taking stock, taking down the Christmas decorations, and taking a look at what’s ahead for this year. One of the things that I posted on Facebook earlier this year was that a) I want to be more focused on creating content, writing books, etc., and b) my specific list of 2023 goals. Or maybe, let’s call them–intentions.

Without further ado, here are my 2023 intentions:

1. Finish the Rick Keller series.
2. Write my horror novel.
3. Standardize and expand my Crone Girls Press publication plan so I have a continuity document and reference trackers for myself and whoever comes on board.
4. Write two screenplays.
5. Possibly try out a writing collaboration. (I’ve been wanting to do this, but not sure if it’s right for me.)
6. Start a podcast.

Seems pretty on brand for the writing and publishing that I want to do. I also have some other goals, but when it comes to prioritizing, these are the top ones.

Start a Podcast, You Say?

Yes. I did say. In fact, check this out:

graphic that reads: On the Shelf: A Writer Reads

Yes, I have already started on this project. I’ve been thinking about what I wanted to do with my “On the Shelf” blog feature, especially since I want this blog to become, well, more bloggy and conversational and strict features seem kind of not in line what that vibe. Instead, I’m moving my conversation on what I’m reading, my Goodreads reading challenge, and the intersection of reading and writing over to podcast format. I’m even going to include a short interview with an author who is having a new release that week.

I’ve been playing around with how to set this up, as well as recording and editing. The preview episode for the show clocks in around sixteen minutes and is now available from a variety of venues. If you’d like to catch it, click On the Shelf: A Writer Reads, and then choose where you’d like to subscribe. It’s currently available on Spotify, Anchor, Apple, IHeartRadio, and Google. The first episode was definitely a learning experience; as I go on, I hope to get better and better at it.

On to the Writing

I’ve been working on Trial Run, the third book in the Rick Keller series. The first book, Cold Run, is now available on Kindle Unlimited and in paperback from Falstaff Books. If this is your first encounter with the book and/or series, a little bit of background–the series was originally published by a small press, then I got my rights back and self-pubbed it, then I took it down because I wanted to re-vamp the whole thing. Somewhere in there, I got to know the folks at Falstaff Books, got the opportunity to pitch the books to John Hartness, and ended up with a five-book contract.

cover photo for Cold Run plus quote: The forests in southern Germany were old and dark, and a wolf could find easy paths to run in the shadows against the deep, white snow.

One of the reasons I started a reading podcast (and prior to that, a reading blog feature) was because I find that when I am reading, I am also more creative and write more. When I was at Arisia Con this past weekend, I found myself in conversation with Kevin McGlaughlin, an accomplished, prolific writer. I mentioned that I was having a hard time writing a short story, in particular, one that is military science fiction. His advice: Read in the genre.

That made a lot of sense, and so as part of my writing, I am reading my way through a pile of military SF, courtesy of my local library.


Well, that about all the business stuff going on–at least today. I’m also doing a ton of other stuff on the paperwork business side of the house (hello, January!) My office, which was my adult niece and nephew’s room for a year, has recently been reclaimed. I moved all of my crafting supplies, personal hobby and projects piles/boxes, books, and my desk and office books and supplies into the room. Slowly, I have been working to clear, organize, and set up my to-do piles, so that I will get back on the ball when it comes to my work. My intention with this blog will be to come on here and share conversational things, and not just what’s going on professionally–a little bit like my old (yikes, very old) profile on a site that began with “L” and ended with “ivejournal.” Woof. In the meantime, I’ve got some design work to do on this website, and about three feet of paperwork to sort through. Catch you later!

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If you like what I’m putting out in the world, and would like to support what I do, you can click on the links above to grab a copy of my books, or to listen to the podcast content I’m producing. You can also drop me a tip over at my Ko-Fi page. Thanks very much for your support!

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