Slowly coming along…

It’s been a little quiet here in the Infamous Scribbler Fortress of … well, I was going to say “Solitude” – but I have a roommate, “Silence” – but I’m marathon-watching my way through the sixth season of Supernatural, “Books” – but that just doesn’t sound very poetical. Let’s just call it the Fortress of Fort-itude.

Lame puns aside, I wanted to say thanks once again to Noelle, for her beautiful guest post. It was a fitting end to a month filled with great writers and authors who have been gracious enough to come and be featured on my blog. I am taking a few weeks break, and then will be back with a new series of Conversations, with some artists, entrepreneurs, and I hope a series of interesting people doing interesting things.

In the meantime, most of my writing projects are on hold for the end of the semester. I have quite a few papers to grade and final grades to submit. I have also been buried in reading, which has been stirring up a bunch of ideas and other mischief … but without the actual blocks of time needed to sit down and get them out of my head and onto a sheet of paper. I’m feeling just a tad burned out, but I have two weeks’ leave coming in the near future during which I hope to let my brain relax (most likely with the help of some single malt, neat). Let the countdown begin!


(Also, for any writers, artists, interesting persons (my criteria are pretty lax), etc., who wish to be part of our Characters and Conversations feature, feel free to drop me a line in the comments, or send me a note via Twitter.)

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