Tag Archives: #amwriting

Quick Update, Then Back to Writing

Hey everyone, Just checking in with a blog update. I swear I keep meaning to post more regularly–even went so far as to set a calendar reminder in my phone, but usually what happens is that, instead of hearing the … Continue reading

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Flash Fiction … Maps

I made a terrible mistake when I subscribed to Chuck Wendig’s blog. Now, every Friday I get these little writing challenges emailed to me. Sometimes, I’m able to read and file(writing coaches need prompt ideas), but some other times, an … Continue reading

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Excerpt, Steel-Toed Blues (WIP)

Finally sitting down and getting some serious work done on this project. This little excerpt, where my MC describes what it’s like to step across to the Fae world, just nudges me over the 41K line. Next stop–50K! * * … Continue reading

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Writing again! (And a book sale.)

This marks the second day in a row that I have gotten some honest-to-goodness writing done. Yesterday I finished up an article for Task and Purpose, and today I find myself RE-writing a beat sheet/synopsis draft of Steel-Toed Blues.* I’ve … Continue reading

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