The May 1 launch for Soft Target proceeds apace, if slightly behind schedule. I just received 10 pages of second-round changes from my editor, to add to the 12 pages I received earlier and have not yet even begun to incorporate into the document. I have many excuses about why this is so, none of which are actually good ones. Tonight it looks like I will be busy. Very, very busy.
I’ve already had some interest from the blogosphere in hosting me to celebrate the Book Launch. It’s still somewhat uncomfortable for me to promote myself – I always feel that I’m intruding on my local writers’ groups, both cyber- and real-space, when I say hey! Someone want to tell the world how wonderful I am? On the other hand, if I want people to see the book and possibly be persuaded to purchase it, I must actually let them know about it.
Speaking of which, the next and final preview chapter will be up later today. Stop by and check it out. Next step – publication! Fame! Fortune! Good tidings! Bunnies and pretzels!
Okay, maybe just publication. You gotta start somewhere…