Category Archives: Guest Post

Guest Post: GISH in the Time of Covid-19

People are strange, as Jim Morrison sang, and we should revel in that strangeness. We shouldn’t fear it; we should claim it and harness it and use our powers for good, even if that good causes unreasonable pain and suffering in the process. We already have that pain and suffering; we might as well have joy and creativity as well. GISH allows us that opportunity, in abundance. Continue reading

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Special Update: The Hotter They Come!

THE HOTTER THEY COME Roxanne D. Howard Series: Romancing the Seas Book 1 Genre: Contemporary Romance, Erotic Romance, Romantic Comedy, Holiday Romance Publisher: Boroughs Publishing Publication Date: September 11, 2018 When Piper’s job sends her undercover to spy on Jack … Continue reading

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Coming Soon: Kadupul

Short term memory loss and an inability to look at herself in mirrors or old pictures–this is college sophomore Klarissa Bloom’s life after surviving a physical assault in her freshman year. However, she’s now determined to prove to her parents … Continue reading

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Coming Soon: Death of a Secret

Check it out! Christy Mann, author of the Fogoyle series, has a new July release coming up. Take a look, then swing by social media and give her a follow. You can pre-order Death of Secret on Amazon, May 15. … Continue reading

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Guest Post: Michael G. Munz

About two years ago (holy cow, this blog is old…), I hosted author Michael G. Munz as he debuted his novel, Zeus Is Dead: A Monstrously Inconvenient Adventure. Fast forward a few years through the ever-changing, entropy-laden atmosphere of the modern … Continue reading

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Breaking before you shine … Guest Post by C.M. Wilson

“It’s okay to be a glow stick. Sometimes you have to break before you shine.” –        Anonymous I’ve had a lot of people give me a weird look when I recite that quote. I guess it’s hard to understand it … Continue reading

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Book release!

Okay, so a few days ago, I blogged about some upcoming guests. And then NaNo and laundry ate my life. Well, mostly laundry, because I’m really behind on NaNo right now. But let us not dwell on my procrastination, let … Continue reading

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Book Launch/Guest Post

Coming this Saturday … a post on writing Young Adult fiction by YA author Caitlin Hensley, whom you may recall from her featured interview. In the post she will talk about some tips for writing YA, one of which is, of … Continue reading

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Writing After the Silence – Noelle M. Kalipetis (Guest Post)

Two feet away from each other, and we never spoke. Our eyes and fingers flew across keys and screens, composing and destroying lives within minutes, totally silent. Suddenly, out of the quiet, there’d be a voice: “Hey, dude, what do … Continue reading

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