Tag Archives: #indieauthor

Itty Bitty Seismic Shift Committee

Actually, there’s no committee. It’s just me, at a desk, with about a thousand tabs open plus my phone notifications popping up, plus several piles of books around me and twelve different disorganized to-do lists, trying to make sense of … Continue reading

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Academic Nerds Gonna Academic Nerd

It’s probably fitting that I just got finished recording a future podcast episode with the teacher who taught my eighth-grade English class. Because I am about to do the most academic nerd thing ever and embark on yet another academic … Continue reading

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Guest Post: Michael G. Munz

About two years ago (holy cow, this blog is old…), I hosted author Michael G. Munz as he debuted his novel, Zeus Is Dead: A Monstrously Inconvenient Adventure. Fast forward a few years through the ever-changing, entropy-laden atmosphere of the modern … Continue reading

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A Conversation with A.J. Norfield…

Welcome back, friends! Time to meet another author. A.J. Norfield is a fantasy writer and nature enthusiast–who also has some great advice on how to fight a predator with your bare hands. You can check out his debut novel, Windcatcher, currently running … Continue reading

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#WriteFridays? Let’s do this!

When I was living in Texas, I joined a writers’ group that, once a month, picked an exercise from the book Naming the World and created an excerpt to be turned in for a critique. While at first I was … Continue reading

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A Conversation with Claire Plaisted…

A few weeks ago, I was answering a series of questions someone had sent me for an interview. One of the questions stood out in my mind — what have I, as an independent author, learned about publishing? It took … Continue reading

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Thinking about place: Home.

(I’m currently working on a project that is a little different than my normal interviews. About a week ago, I sat down with two fellow authors in Raleigh, NC, and had an extended conversation about place — what it is, … Continue reading

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Coming Soon…

This Monday, I will be interviewing author Claire Plaisted of Plaisted Publishing House on her journey to become an independent author. Stop by and check it out! Claire Plaisted was born and raised in England with two loving parents and … Continue reading

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A Conversation with Markie Madden…

Recently, I was perusing a fellow author’s selection of titles, when I happened upon one that was quite different than her other offerings. It was while on author Markie Madden’s publishing Web site, Metamorph Publishing, that I spied a title … Continue reading

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A Conversation with J. Lawrence…

A few weeks ago, I opened my email to find a notification that author J. Lawrence would be the featured author of the week in one of my Goodreads groups. As is usual when the moderator posts who is the … Continue reading

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