Just keep swimming…

You ever have that moment where you travel from New Jersey to Georgia to go to your husband’s military ball, with a dress carefully packed away that you bought in a NY Macy’s — you get to Georgia, unpack the dress, put it on, do the hair and the shoes and the makeup, link arms with your spouse (who is rocking his dress blues), head to the ball…

…and as you’re walking up the steps and stop to chat with some other couple, what do you see but a woman walking toward you, wearing the SAME DRESS, and — even worse — rocking it harder than you? Oh yeah, totally been there, done that. This happened to me last weekend as well. It wasn’t necessarily a formal dress, but apparently fashionable, attractive, put-together women and I shop at the same place. (I was wearing Converse … she was wearing the right kind of shoes…)

I had this same experience this morning. First, I noticed an article on women veteran entrepreneurs that a LinkedIn contact posted. I checked it out and quickly realized that the writer not only cited an article I had written on the same topic for Task & Purpose, but I apparently wrote half his article for him. At least he cited and linked, but still, I had that sense of wearing the same dress to the ball.

What really topped this morning off, was not ten minutes later, as I was scrolling through my Twitter feed, I came upon something that had me shaking my head and laughing … because what else are you going to do? Remember this graphic that includes the cover of my novel, Cold Run, that is supposed to be released on Saturday?

quote3Here is a closer look…

Cold Runsm

Apparently my publisher and I aren’t the only ones who think this guy makes a pretty good werewolf. One of my Twitter followers retweeted the novel, New Beginnings, which proves, once again, that I have an unerring knack for wearing someone else’s dress to the ball.

Still, what are you going to do? I like my cover — I think that Untold Press did a great job with it. I don’t think anyone reading our two blurbs would mix up which was which (the other woman’s is paranormal romance — mine is paranormal kickass.) So, I would invite everyone to enjoy the view on both of our covers, and this Saturday, think about picking up a copy of Cold Run! Thanks. 😀



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