Category Archives: Writing Woes

When things are going…not so great.

On the Shelf: Empty Shelves…

haracters take me away. There’s so much research I want to do right now–history, and green witchery, and the craft of horror writing–and the more I want to, the less I find myself cracking open the book and just going for it. Continue reading

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The blahs…

I’m dealing with a little bit of the writing blahs right now … namely rejection, envy, lack of motivation, and both a progressively cleaner house and a continuous lack of work. Right now, I’ve got a manuscript out on query – … Continue reading

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Just keep swimming…

You ever have that moment where you travel from New Jersey to Georgia to go to your husband’s military ball, with a dress carefully packed away that you bought in a NY Macy’s — you get to Georgia, unpack the … Continue reading

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Rinse and repeat…

I’ve heard this refrain before: We love your story … but it doesn’t fit (with the rest of the stories in the anthology) … Great concept … but it doesn’t fit (with the rest of the stories in the issue) … Continue reading

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Awesome sandwich…

You know how, when you’re learning to give constructive criticism, they teach you about the “compliment sandwich”? Having been on the receiving end of more than a few criticisms from folks who were unaware of this phenomenon, I try to … Continue reading

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